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Our Secret Weapon to Alleviate Aches and Pain That Helps Keep Us Active

fitness Oct 25, 2018

Often times the best athletes aren’t just the most talented, they’re the ones that are able to take care of their bodies to show up day in and day out.

Luckily we are able to stay healthy because of our go-to secret weapon we keep in our gear bag that gives us fast relief whenever any aches or pains arise--Biofreeze.

As former Division I athletes, we used to spend hours upon hours training every day. Although we may not be competitive anymore, our workouts now still include a lot of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) training so we are pushing our bodies to the max and working out extremely hard for a short amount of time.

How do we combat the soreness? Of course, we stretch and hydrate, but sometimes you need quick relief to get you going. Biofreeze gives us that. It penetrates the skin fast, leaving that cool, tingling feeling.

When you train like an athlete, it’s common for a little pain and soreness to creep in. We don’t push through true injuries, but when it’s a minor ache we lean on Biofreeze to cool the pain.

We find that Biofreeze is the BEST remedy to help us stay active and to continue to get in killer workouts!

xo Lauren and Kelly 

This post has been sponsored by Biofreeze


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