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16-Minute Leg-Toning and Booty-Burning Workout

fitness Jun 12, 2018

We've got a great 16 minute legs and booty video for you! Grab your dumbbells (we recommend one pair of 8-20lb dumbbells) and follow along as we do 4 rounds of 4 exercises.

Wide Squat + RDL - 60 seconds

  1. Begin with feet in a wide stance, holding both weights together in front of you.
  2. Squat down, keeping the weight in your heels and proud chest (aka avoid rounding at your shoulders)
  3. Once your weights reach the ground, push your booty back, straighten out your legs and keep a flat back.
  4. With a micro-bend in your knees, drive through both heels and slowly lower back up into a wide standing position, maintaining a flat back.
  5. Repeat 

Static Curtsy Lunge- Right Side 45 seconds + 15-second pulse

  1. Holding one dumbbell at your chest, begin with your right leg forward taking a large, diagonal step back with your left foot.
  2. With both feet planted and your hips and shoulders squared forward, lower your back knee into a lunge hovering an inch off of the ground.
  3. Drive through your front foot and raise back up to your starting position.
  4. Repeat

Static Curtsy Lunge - Left Side 45 seconds + 15-second pulse

  1. Holding one dumbbell at your chest, begin with your left leg forward taking a large, diagonal step back with your right foot.
  2. With both feet planted and your hips and shoulders squared forward, lower your back knee into a lunge hovering an inch off of the ground.
  3. Drive through your front foot and raise back up to your starting position.
  4. Repeat

Squat Jacks - 30 seconds

  1. Begin in a standing position with your feet together and jump your feet out wide, sending your glutes back into a squat position.
  2. Be sure to keep a proud chest (do not round at your shoulders), and lower your hands to hover just above the ground.
  3. Jump your feet back up to a standing position with your hands at your sides.
  4. Repeat

Rest - 30 seconds

  1. Rest, towel off, grab some water and get ready for the next round!



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